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Full Version: ZK3A Tokelau Island DXpedtion Active
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A 19 member team from 4 Continents and 9 different countries are on the air from Tokeleau Islands from 1 to 11 October with multiple stations amplifiers and antennas.

They are working 160 through 6 meters including EME on CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8.

They are setting up real time QSO look up.
(They never got that working)

Good signal on 20 CW and working US and DX.  They were easy with 1 or 2 calls in.

The have a great web site at https://tokelau2019.com/

Got them on 40 CW this morning!  At 7127 Miles I hardly expected it on 40 meters with my MFJ Dipole.  But I was hearing him on 40 Meter RTTY using the beam on 20 meters.  Tried 40 RTTY but I have RFI there than limits the output seriously to almost nothing.  But CW works fine.  He peaks between 7 and 7:30 AM and I got him at 7:12 AM.  He kept sending API?  I sent my call a couple of times he confirmed the call and answered my TU 599 with a TU.  One I never expected and the 2nd longest QSO in distance for me on 40 after JA.  (Which I consider a once in a lifetime shot on 40).

The DXpedition went QRT early.  A (non team) person had a medical issue and needed to be evacuated by boat and there would not be another boat for 10 days, so they packed up the equipment early and left on the boat.  All team members are safe.