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Boy Scouts of America
Connecticut Yankee Council
ConnJam 2015
Saturday, May 16
High Plains Community Center,
525 Orange Center Road, Orange, CT

What if there were a way that you could help to bring Amateur Radio to thousands of Scouts in one day? You’d be interested, wouldn’t you?

ConnJam 2015 is a great opportunity to present Amateur Radio to all levels of Boy Scouts (Cubs to Ventures), Adult Scout Leaders, and Parents. In most cases this will be their very first exposure to Ham Radio. This event expects to draw between 2,000 and 3,000 campers and visitors over the weekend.

Our Amateur Radio Plan for this event includes 6 Activities:
- GOTA Stations (3 HF, 1 VHF/UHF)
- Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF)/Foxhunting activities
- Radiogram Message Center
- Hands-On CW Key Table (need: 12 keys with oscillators and 2 Instructors)
- Information Booth (Video and Handout Brochures).
- Data Communications and APRS Demonstration Table.


Activity Coordinators
We have gotten off to a great start and appointed the following people to fill 3 of the 6 Activity Coordinator positions.
- GOTA Stations: Ed Rhodes (WA1LEI) wa1ei "at" yahoo "dit" com
- ARDF/Foxhunting: Ned Bassick (KA1CVV) ka1cvv "at" optonline "dit" net
- CW Table: Hugo Catta (AA1XV) hugo "at" optonline "dit" net

We still have 3 Activity Coordinator positions open:
- Radiogram Message Center
- Information Booth (Radio Answer Man with Video Display and Brochures)
- Data Communications and APRS Demonstration Table.

As you look at that list again, think about how you can contribute to this effort to bring Amateur Radio to all those scouts and “excite” their imagination.

We also need:
- Multiple Volunteers to man the Activity sites
- Folks to Loan Equipment and Materials to support the Activities
- One person to coordinate Signage (design & production) for the 6 Activities.

How can you participate?

If you can assist the the Activity Coordinators in some way, please contact them their emails listed above.
Douglas Sharafanowich (WA1SFH),
Amateur Radio Coordinator, ConnJam 2015 Committee
Email: connjam2015@gmail.com