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"Back In Business" - Printable Version

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"Back In Business" - N1API - 12-14-2017

Well Tuesday night my UPS failed so both computers went down. I was able to do some work on the desktop with a surge protector but the Radio Computer was down and out for the count.

Yesterday, I had to do the Thursday Business stuff because of the Christmas Party tonight and also went out to my favorite computer place and got a nice 1500 va, 900 watt UPS that can take both computers and monitors with room to spare. It took me most of the day yesterday to take both computers down, (and identify which wire goes where on each), open them up, blow the dust out, put them back together, clean the whole bench then put everything back. I took the opportunity to make everything neater and untangle a jumble of wires.

I finished up at about 7 PM. Took me another hour or so to clean up the clean up stuff and get everything back were it belongs or belongs now.

I was tired and SORE! Those computers are not light and carrying them up and down the stars is not easy.

This morning did the Friday shopping, tonight the party and tomorrow off to a 10 AM showing of the new Star Wars movie at the IMAX in Plainville.

Testing everything today and looks like I got all the wires back in the proper slots. Next project, the new photo scanner came in and I have to set that up.