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ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) 2014
2014 ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET)
Connecticut Section
Saturday, November 8th
Wallingford, CT

Wallingford SET Details
Time: Saturday, November 8th, 8AM-4PM EST
Primary Location: Cook Hill Firehouse (W1NRG club meeting location)
Alternate Locations: Other mobile/portable locations as required during the exercise
(Wallingford Fire Department, Wallingford Police Department, Sheehan High School, etc)

***Note: You can also participate from your home QTH by checking into the resource net***

About SET
The SET is a nationwide exercise in disaster response and emergency communication, administered by ARRL emergency coordinators and net managers, in which volunteers respond to a mock emergency or disaster, such as an earthquake or hurricane. Members of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), the National Traffic System (NTS), SKYWARN, the ARRL Field Organization, and other groups work together to plan and develop simulated emergency and disaster scenarios, in consultation with the various served agencies that rely on radio amateurs during emergencies.

The SET gives volunteer public service communicators the opportunity to focus on their capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses while interacting with NTS nets. It also provides a public demonstration — to served agencies such as the Red Cross, state and local emergency managers, and the news media — of the value that Amateur Radio provides. The SET helps radio amateurs gain communication experience using standard procedures and a variety of modes, under simulated disaster-response conditions. Participating groups earn points toward an overall SET score, adding a competitive component to the activity. Results are listed in QST magazine. Many ARES groups across the state will be participating, and all ARES members are invited to support the local ARES group’s activities.

Volunteers Needed
Whether you’re a new licensee or an experienced radio amateur, the SET is a golden opportunity to learn or practice useful skills in traffic handling, net operation and emergency communications protocols and management. To participate in this year’s simulated emergency test, please contact the Wallingford ARRL emergency coordinator Joe Hamm ( for more details.

Contact Information
Joe Hamm, KC1BAQ
Wallingford Emergency Coordinator, Region 2

Communication Plan

1) Region 2 Resource Net
West Haven - W1GB/r: 146.610 - 600kHz / PL 110.9
0900, 1100, 1300, 1500 on Saturday

Note: Everyone should first check into the resource net in order to be activated as a volunteer. Once you have been checked in, the net control operator will transfer you to the Wallingford Town EOC net for further operations.

Example checkin: “This is Kilo-Charlie-One-Bravo-Alpha-Quebec, Joe in Wallingford, on assignment to Wallingford Town EOC, mobile, battery power”. Please give your call sign phonetically, indicate fixed/portable/mobile, and commercial/battery/emergency power. The resource net should release you to the Wallingford Town EOC net. If not, please ask to be transferred to the Wallingford Town EOC net. Please use battery or generator power if possible when checking in.

IMPORTANT: All volunteers should also CHECK OUT of the resource net before leaving the simulated emergency test (SET) exercise. During a real emergency, we will need to account for all volunteers to ensure their safety. Never leave a fallen man behind!

2) Wallingford Town EOC Net
Wallingford - W1KKF/r (147.360 + Tone: N/A)
Wallingford Simplex Frequency: 147.525

After checking into the Region 2 resource net, you will be transferred over to the Wallingford Town EOC Net. The local Wallingford repeater (W1KKF) will be used as the primary EOC net during this drill. However, the EOC will also be testing simplex communications on the Wallingford simplex frequency in order to simulate the loss of the repeater.

3) Region 2 Tactical Net
Woodbridge - W1WPD/r (442.500 + 5MHz / DCS 073 or PL 77)
Killingworth - W1BCG/r (145.290 - 600kHz / PL 110.9)
0900, 1100, 1300, 1500 on Saturday

The Wallingford Town EOC should monitor this net throughout the simulated emergency test. Requests from the regional and state level will be received here. Also, any traffic being passed from the town to the regional and state will be given to the Regional 2 Tactical Net. We will be sharing these repeater frequencies with SKYWARN Nets on the even half hours (0830, 1030, 1230, 1430 on Saturday).

4) CT SEC/SM Command Net
KB1AEV linked repeater system
0800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600 on Saturday.

Note: This Net is for statewide coordination among state and regional emergency coordinators and other statewide officials. Individual ARES volunteers and Town EOCs will not participate in these nets, but may monitor them if interested.

5) Formal HF Traffic Nets
3.965 MHz and/or 7.280 MHz
- immediately after each of the scheduled CT SEC/SM Command Net closes
i.e. approximately 0815, 1015, 1215, 1415, 1615 on Saturday. Intervening informal HF Net operations will be at the discretion of the HF Net NCS.
These nets can be used for passing formal traffic or if VHF/UHF communications become difficult.

All voice exchanges should begin and end with the phrase “This is a drill.” Written messages should contain the word “Test” as part of the precedence, e.g. Test Priority, in the message preamble. Written messages should also include the phrase “This is a drill” as the first words in the text (or body) of the message. Should an actual emergency occur at any time during the exercise that dictates that the play should stop, the phrase “Real World” shall be used to suspend play until further notice or until the emergency is resolved. Please notify Douglas WA1SFH of any real emergencies during the drill.

Exercise Objectives

Although activities will be going on from Friday till Sunday, we will be organizing our efforts for Saturday, November 8th. This will be a live drill with details unfolding as the emergency scenario unfolds. We should prepare and maintain a level of readiness toward communication tasks that would be required in case of a real emergency. This will prepare us to properly respond to this simulated emergency test.

The following exercises should be performed:

1. Practice the alert, notification, and activation of amateur radio volunteers. The start of the simulated emergency test (SET) will require notification of response personnel and activation of the Region 2 Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) (See additional resources section at the end of this document). Douglas WA1SFH will set up a resource net and tactical net and will coordinate exercise play within Region 2. This will be a call for all licensed amateur operators to participate in this exercise. Please tell all of your friends to check in to the resource net during the exercise. We get points for each check-in. Additional points given for checking in with emergency power.

The “Wallingford Town EOC” staff should call down a phone tree list of registered ARES members living in Wallingford to promote as much participation as possible. In a real emergency, we will need to contact volunteers by any means possible. You may also call down the MARC member list and encourage members to check into the resource net from home (battery power preferred).

2. Staff enough radio volunteers to provide coverage for two operational shifts (8am-12:15pm and 12pm-4pm) at the “Wallingford Town EOC”. Each shift will need 1 (or more) stationary resources located at the Cook Hill firehouse. This station will serve as “Wallingford Town EOC” and will serve as NCS for the Wallingford Town EOC net. In addition, it will maintain constant communication with the Region 2 Tactical Net. This station should always be checked into the CT Region 2 tactical net relaying information and instructions to/from the region and state level. Each shift will also be composed of 2 (or more) mobile/portable resources which are available to be dispatched by the Wallingford Town EOC. These mobile units (Rover 1, Rover 2, etc) will be assigned various tasks and report back information to Wallingford EOC. Tactical call signs should be used throughout the drill in addition to your own callsign.

3. Establish emergency communications (both voice and data) between the Cook Hill Firehouse, Fire Department HQ, Police Department, Public Works, and Sheehan High School locations. It should be determined what radio communications equipment is needed to provide reliable communications between these locations (HT, mobile, antennas, etc). This information will be very valuable in case of an actual emergency so we know in advance what equipment resources to deploy at each location.

4. Establish emergency communications (both voice and RMSExpress email) between the Wallingford Town EOC and Region 2 EOC. The exercise scenario will be a plausible incident (or series of incidents) that creates an urgent need for establishing emergency communications statewide.

5. Encourage the use of emergency power (battery, generator, solar, and/or mobile) by all stations during the exercise. We get additional points for each station running on emergency power. Please tell your friends checking into the net from home to switch to emergency power if possible before checking in.

6. Utilize National Traffic System (NTS) format for all recorded message traffic. Send some test messages requesting medical supplies from Wallingford Town EOC to Region 2 Tactical net. Have each volunteer send a health and welfare message to a friend or family member via the NTS system. These will be directed through the Region 2 tactical net to the NTS liaison (John K1LYP). The NTS liaison should be checked into the Region 2 Tactical net at all times in order to receive traffic from any EOC within Region 2.

7. Practice record keeping. Each location should keep a notebook log to include timestamp and activity occurred with notes. Please also include additional notes on things that can be improved upon, things you found frustrating, mistakes made, etc. This will greatly help us to improve our emergency training and response.

Additional Resources

2014 Connecticut ARES SET Handbook
Connecticut’s Section Emergency Manager Wayne Gronlund has prepared a SET Player Handbook for all volunteers. You can download a copy from here:

CT ARES Region 2 Emergency Operations Plan:
Note: You will need to register in order to access the EOP

ARRL SET Score Card:

CT Section ARES Page:

Attached Files
.pdf   SET_2014_Player_Handbook_v1pt0.pdf (Size: 407.12 KB / Downloads: 40)
.docx   SET Scorecard 2014.docx (Size: 11.28 KB / Downloads: 44)
.pdf   2014 ARRL SET_Wallingford_v3.pdf (Size: 91.04 KB / Downloads: 41)

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