W1NRG Forum

Full Version: Why Not a Radio Club?
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There was early interest shown by radio amateurs in Meriden long ago.  In a letter to the editor of the Meriden Daily Journal someone asked, "Why not form a radio club?:"  Quoted from the article in the "People's Forum" is the followng:

"Editior Meriden Journal: -   Please put this in your columns.  Amateur radio operators take notice.  Why not forum a radio club?  

Are you going to let amateurs of other towns have well organized radio clubs and you stand by and read of their wonderful experiences when you could be having the same experiences?  

I know that there are many radio amateurs in this city who would be too glad to form a radio club and also know that numbers of amateurs have been waiting for a club to be organised.  

We have a Boy's club and a Girl's club, so why not form a radio club?   So you radio amateurs put on your tin cans, put your antenna switch in the send position and send your opinions to the Meriden Journal.    

Yours very truly,  A RADIO BUG"  
The date was Wednesday January 12, 1921.    It was soon followed by an interesting reply three days later.   Read the next article to see that reply.